His passion since college —also in his DNA—. A sofa and 6 or 7 magazines are enough to have a delightful time.
Before his first magazine as a final project for his degree, he did a clumsy series of issues for the local cable, when he was sixteen.
His last project demanded two years of a wide variety of skills: writing —from small columns to a five thousand words essay around economy—, editing, creativity, layouts, logotype, even 'guerrilla marketing'.
"riQueza" could be seen —by some— as a mix between: Adbusters, The New Yorker and Le Canard Enchaîné. A conversation between Montaigne, Chomsky, and Bauman about the non-sense of the statu-quo, and the stupidity of the masses.
Despite being controversial and counter-cultural, five issues were requested by the libraries of: the universities of Stanford, Berkeley, Texas, Harvard, and the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut in Berlin.
Any editorial exciting project in mind?